
2018 國立交通大學印度國際志工 Jullay 8

交大 × Jamyang School 8年的跨國情誼
國立交通大學印度國際志工 Jullay 團今年已邁入服務的第八年。秉持「大手拉小手」的核心理念,Jullay 團一方面導入多元的學習方法,致力於培養學生自主學習的能力;另一方面,牽起台灣與拉達克兩地的情誼,協助資金募集,讓孩子的學習之路更加穩健。
大手拉小手 讓學習不間斷
Jullay 8 於 2018 年 7 月 1 日到 2018 年 7 月 20 日期間來到了印度拉達克,以 Jamyang School 教職員與學生為對象,針對資助計畫、課程設計、校園探勘、師生訪談等項目進行服務。 因外界資助單位減少,我們為Jamyang School 發起「印度拉達克 —— 大手拉小手兒童資助計畫」,以協助學校募集學童之教育及生活經費。本年度目標為募集 98 位學童一年之經費,共計約新台幣 150 萬元。截至 8 月底為募資第一階段,募資對象為前資助人及團員親友,階段目標為 15 萬元。至 8 月15 日已募得新台幣 154,072 元,階段目標順利完成。第二階段將於 9 月 1 日開始,屆時募資網頁即將上線,擴大資助計畫的宣傳規模。
而今年度的課程設計包含電腦工作坊、英文文法,以及實驗室安全等三大主題。其中電腦工作坊延續去年所介紹的 Endless 作業系統,針對九、十年級,更深入的介紹Encyclopedia,及帶領學生探索系統中各項與學習相關之應用程式,以符合使用離線資料庫輔助學習的需求。同時,也邀請十年級的學生在九年級的電腦工作坊中擔任小助教,不但契合團隊核心理念──大手拉小手,也使九年級的學生在電腦工作坊中能以更熟悉的語言來理解課程內容。
除此之外,Jullay 團也針對校園資訊環境進行評估並給予協助。為縮短數位落差,提供學童電腦課實際操作電腦的機會,今年度在華碩文教基金會的協助下,提供了 14 台再生電腦以擴充 Jamyang School 之硬體設備,且為維持學校電腦及其他數位設備的正常運作,也進行了每年例行性的檢查、維修及軟體更新等工作。而 Jullay 8 也於出團期間進行校園探勘與師生訪談,一方面追蹤過往服務成果,一方面也向各科目老師討論學校現況與需求,作為後續服務之重要參考依據。
分享互惠 同行至遠
"We are not helpers, but sharers." Jullay 團始終相信,服務並非單向的,在我們分享的同時,對方也擴展了我們的眼界;在服務他人的同時,我們從服務中獲得的更多。因此 Jullay 團樂於與服務對象分享互惠,彼此幫助與學習,也藉此達到雙向的服務交流。
An 8-year Friendship between Nations
This is the 8th year that NCTU Jullay Group volunteered in India. It is our core principle as “hands in HANDS”. Jullay group not only implements multiple learning methodologies, but also puts efforts on building up students’ ability of self-learning. On the other hand, we strengthen the relationship between Taiwan and Ladakh, and help on fundraising in order to improve children’s study environment.
Hands in HANDS, Make Learning Long and Lasting
Jullay 8 visited in Ladakh India from July 1st, 2018 to July 20th, 2018. We provided volunteering service to Jamyang School’s faculty and students focusing on fundraising plan, course design, campus exploring, and interviews with students and teachers...etc.. Due to the decreased number of sponsor, Jullay Group raised “ Ladakh - hands in HANDS Children Fundraising Plan”. The fundraising plan aims to raise NTD 1.5 million for the education-related fee of 98 Jamyang School students in one year. The first phase of the plan will be ended on August 31st, and our goal is to raise NTD 150,000. We invites the sponsors from the previous years, also friends and relatives of our group members to join the plan. Until August 15th, NTD 154,072 has been donated from the sponsors and the goal of first phase is completed. The second phase will start on September 1st. In order to promote the plan, the fundraising website will be published soon.
There are three types of courses we designed for this year, including computer workshop, English grammar, and lab safety class. In computer workshop, we continued using the Endless Operating System, and further introduce Encyclopedia to the class 9 and 10. In class, we led students to explore the applications in the system that meets the needs to help them learn how to study by using the offline database. Also, we invited the students from class 10 to be teaching assistants in computer workshop for class 9. This not only meets our group’s core principal “hands in HANDS”, but also let students in class 9 learn the course content in their local language.
In English grammar class, we reviewed past, present, future tenses through the grammar song we made and all the grammar games in order to let students learn withfun and with better understanding. In lab safety class, we reminded students all the lab safety rules through the pictures, skits, and games. We also brought some science related posters for teachers as teaching aids or students’ learning materials.
Besides, Jullay group also provided the evaluation and assistance on school’s environment of information technology. In order to bridge the digital divide and give students more chances to use the computers in practice, we brought fourteen laptops sponsored by ASUS Foundation to expand Jamyang School’s hardware facilities this year. To keep the operation of school’s laptops and other digital facilities, we also did the annual regular check, maintenance, and software updates.
During the visit of Jullay 8, we also did the camplus exploring and interviews with teachers and students to trace the results of past volunteering services. On the other hand, we learned the current conditions of school and the support needed from the teachers of all the subjects as the important reference for our future services. This year, we exchanged our thoughts on digital courses with new Computer teacher. In light of the course arrangement, senior students are going to learn how to write code. Computer teacher expects Jullay group to help design the workshop related to basic coding logic and computational thinking in the future.
Learn Together, We Go Further
“We are not the helpers, but sharers.”Jullay group always believes that volunteering is a two-way street. When we share, others also broaden our mind. When we do volunteering, we benefit more from it. Therefore, Jullay group is more than happy to share and provide service to our volunteering objects. That’s how we help and learn from each other.