2008 年,達賴喇嘛為印度拉達克地區家境清寒、缺乏教育資源的學童們創立了 Jamyang School,提供免費教育,期許為學童的未來創造無限可能,也藉此傳承拉達克傳統文化與藏傳佛教信仰。2011年,為了協助提升 Jamyang School 的教育資源,也讓交大同學透過志工服務學習成長,交大印度國際志工團因而成立,並以服務地區當地的招呼語“ Jullay ”作為團名。
「大手拉小手」是 Jullay 團一直秉持的核心理念。這樣的寓意源自於 Jamyang School 裡高年級學童在課業及生活上自發性地協助照顧低年級學童的景象。今年,秉持著以永續經營作為志工服務的宗旨,並延續過去「大手拉小手」的核心理念,進而延伸出「自主學習」與「分享互惠」的原則設計今年的活動與課程,希望讓學童們於課堂內外皆能學習新知,也期望 Jullay 團員與學童們彼此互相學習成長。而為提供 Jamyang School 適切的協助,我們自 2017 年 2 月即接受各種培訓與籌備,包括寒假培訓營、為期一學期的培訓課程、出團前的集訓以及其他單位舉辦的相關課程講座,培訓時數總計超過 150 小時。
Jamyang School 目前面臨兩大問題,其一是由於缺乏自主的經費來源,加上近幾年資助計畫合作單位的減少,學童的生活與教育費用急需外界資助;其二是受限於資源缺乏的緣故,影響到教學內容及方式,而無法達到更好的教學效果。
今年服務內容主要分為資助計畫、課程、前團服務成果追蹤、教學訪談以及交流活動五個部分。資助計畫目標為募集 105 位學童的生活教育經費,約 150 萬台幣,截至 2017 年 8 月,已從過去資助人募得約 28 萬元,並已著手進行群眾募資的準備。課程方面,包括科學實驗、英文文法以及電腦工作坊,科學實驗透過實作方式讓學童從嘗試中認識槓桿原理;英文文法介紹過去式,雖然學生仍無法正確辨別各時態的使用時機,但多能掌握過去式動詞變化的規則;電腦工作坊則向教師和學生介紹了內建豐富離線內容的 Endless OS。前團服務成果追蹤包含多媒體教室、圖書館和程式設計桌遊,除了解使用情況外,更協助重整並新增內容提供使用。教學訪談則是透過與科學、英文、電腦、數學教師和學生的訪談以及課堂的觀摩,從中了解學校教學的狀況和需求之所在。交流活動部分,藉由文化參訪、參與當地宗教活動,與校方師生的文化交流、一起動手畫和職員語言交流等幾個活動,讓我們從舞蹈、繪畫和對談中更認識彼此的文化。
除了上述的活動外,我們也與校方分享從師生訪談與課程觀摩中所觀察到的問題,並提供校方可能的改善方案作為參考,同時我們也記錄,並進行需求分析,以作為 Jullay 團未來服務方向及項目的參考。
1. Program Origin
Jamyang School, located in Ladakh region, India, was founded by Dalai Lama in 2008 to provide free education to students with poor financial background and those who do not have the access to proper education. 2011, NCTU International Volunteer Group was founded and named with a Ladakhi greeting word, "Jullay", dedicated to help enrich Jamyang School's educational resources.
2. Introduction to Jullay Group
"hands in HANDS" is the spirit of Jullay group. It originally came from an observation we made in Jamyang School of students in higher grades willingly and spontaneously help students in lower grades with their homework and with their daily lives. Add up to "hands in HANDS" and the fundamental idea of giving a sustainable service, "Self-learning" and "Mutual Sharing" is also the topic of the lessons and activities this year, aiming to encourage the students to keep on learning even off class. In order to be able to provide Jamyang School with abundant aid, we were obligated to receive various kinds of training, which exceeds 150 hours in total.
3. Targeted Problems
Two major concern for Jamyang School are the shortage in educational resource, which shrank the effectiveness of teaching, and the lack of financing source. With the funding parties gradually decreasing, the school is desperately in need of financial support.
4. Results
This year's project focused on five parts: funding, lessons, tracking previous project, evaluating teaching effectiveness, and cultural exchange. Up to August, 2017, we have collected about 280 thousand NTD from previous sponsors for the 1.5 million goal to cover the expenses of the 105 students in need, and we are preparing to start our crowd funding project. This year, we introduced the principle of lever, past tense grammar and Endless OS, an operating system which can be used without internet connection. We tracked the students' use of computer classroom, library and a computer programming board game, to evaluate the accessibility and popularity and to update the equipments' condition. In order to assess if the students can absorb knowledge effectively, we talked with both students and teachers of various subjects and make observation in class to understand students' learning condition. As for cultural exchange, we held a painting activity and a cultural exchange with staffs, and they invited us to a tour to see famous sites and Buddhism chapels and to participate two school-wide speech and the farewell party where we exchange traditional dance and other talents.
5. Reflection and Reassessment
We shared with the school administrators the problems we observed during our talks with teachers and students and the observations in class, and further offered some possible plans to improve as a reference. We also made records and requirement analysis for Jullay group to make future plans.